Sunday, February 28, 2010

Resting Forward

I know this very wise woman who loves God and His people.  She is an author, a counselor and a coach and talks about resting forward into God.  It's a state of the heart where you aren't holding back, in fear or in aprehension, you are ready for the future, but not worrying about it, and you're living now, but not standing on your own in your own energy.  Your resting, forward, leaning into Him physically, figuratively, emotionally to live and function and walk with Him without fighting Him.

Have you ever leaned into someone?  Have you ever leaned forward into someone?  I do this with my husband.  I lean into him, into his chest and body and tuck myself up under his chin.  If he were to step back, I would fall.  He's got to have me, because I don't and I'm certainly in no position to resist him.

That is one way I think of resting forward into my life with Yahweh.

Another thought came to me:  I love to ski (you might have read that somewhere), and to ski well and aggressively, to make skis carve a turn and fly steady down a hill, the skier needs to pressure their shin into the front of the ski boot.  The boot will take the pressure and support the skier and transfer the energy into the ski.

To get used to the feeling of your shin against your boot, to train your muscles, and to rest them, when your not heading down hill it is good to rest forward into your boot.  You'll see a lot of racers doing this when they are waiting in line to get on course.  Not only are they training, practicing, but they are resting.  They are not fighting the position a ski boot puts you in, they are resting into it.  And the boot and ski will work better because of it-- the racer will ski better because of it.

A skier who knows how to rest forward has already predisposed themselves to proper  forward momentum.  A Christian who rests forward has predisposed themselves to faith and trust and action and joy and peace.  And with their being leaning into Him, He's got to have them, and He does, and it's very hard to resist Him.

Do you want to ski better no matter the conditions?  Rest forward.

Do you want to LIVE fully with wholeness, peace, and joy no matter what is happening?  Rest forward into Him.

Learning to rest forward (by resting forward),

Please include the following statement on any distributed or linked copy: By Kaet Johnson. © Website:,,

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