Friday, February 12, 2010

Compassion VS. Justice

When we speak of compassion and expect compassion and ask government to be compassionate, yet do not demand that justice accompany it, we end up with corruption.

When we do not consider the need for justice within acts of compassion we will use the ideal of compassion to do and get what we want, and to make ourselves feel better.

Justice, by definition, causes us to judge/decide rightly without deference to power, wealth, or status (having OR not having), to bring relief, and finally, to fix the situation by bringing healing, rehabilitation, or a solution that provides for permanent salvation from the situation.

Compassion causes us to act, justice tells us how to act.

Justice is not easy.  Justice is not for the faint of heart.  God calls us to be just.  God calls us to act justly, in all matters.

The God of all Compassion is just.

Hit with a brick today,
Please include the following statement on any distributed or linked copy: By Kaet Johnson. © Website:,,

1 comment:

k8t said...

In justice is the concept of mercy. They are tied together. In His mercy, God is just. He tells us what justice is and then asks us to practice it, all the time.

Justice provides for the full exercise of deciding rightly without partiality, acting to provide relief AND consequence, and finishing by providing a way to become right or righted. This applies to each party of a situation.

Human systems fall short by not providing for the full implementation of justice. We also fall short if we emphasize one aspect of justice over another. They are needed together in equal amount.