Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Inductive Study

I realize I have just thrown you a concept you might not be familiar with: inductive study of the Bible.

To study inductively is the coolest thing because it is you, God, and His Spirit working together so you can know God. You don't have to depend on another person's interpretation or understanding of scripture, you can figure it out for yourself!

When you study inductively you are the one observing and interpreting scripture and then applying it to your life. After all, why study something if you are not going to use it? Oh, the years I spent in college... :-)

But, the the stuff found in the Bible is applicable every day, in every way. We just need to know what it says so we can use it. Have you ever purchased something, and then not used it because you did not understand how it worked, because you could not understand the directions? Yup, me too. For me, reading directions is the last resort; I like the challenge of figuring something out. I've found, however, at least in life, and with this creation that is me, reading the manual helps immensely! Sometimes, I astonished at what I find.

There are some very good helps out there to teach you how to study inductively, Precept Ministries is one of them (Google it). You can also take a look at my notes from John 1, they will show you what I do, but they do not explain the process I went through, nor was my process complete. I hope they tweak your interest though! :-)

Thinking everyone should study inductively because the word of God NEVER returns void,
k8t :-)
email me if you want to know how! k8t(at)faceofagirl(dot)com
Please include the following statement on any distributed or linked copy: By Kaet Johnson. © faceofagirl.com. Website: faceofagirl.com

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