Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Truth Is...

"... not knowing something doesn't mean your stupid. All it means is that there's still room left to wonder. For instance about dinosaurs-- were they the same color as the sky the morning I set off for Liberty? Or were they maybe the same shade of brown as the dust my shoes kicked up on the driveway at Hilltop Home?
I'd be lying if I said that given a choice, I wouldn't rather know than not know. But there are some things you can just know for no good reason other than that you do, and then there are other things that no matter how badly you want to know them, you just can't.
The truth is, whether you know something or not doesn't change what was. If dinosaurs were blue, they were blue; if they were brown, they were brown whether anybody ever knows it for a fact or not."
Heidi, in So B. It, by Sarah Weeks

"The truth is, whether you know something or not doesn't change what was [or is]. "

The truth is, whether we believe something or not doesn't change the facts about it, whether we know the facts or not. How we feel or what we know about something doesn't determine if the thing exists or not, either it exists or it doesn't. If we believe or disbelieve a fact does not effect the fact. If we feel good or bad about a fact, our feelings about the fact doesn't change what is true, what is real, what is right.

Working through the facts,

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