Monday, March 10, 2008

Live With LIFE

I did an inductive study on Philippians recently. Philippians is Paul’s letter to the believers, the saints of Philippi, a Roman Colony in ancient Macedonia (now northeastern Greece) on the Aegean Sea. He wrote to them during one of his imprisonments in Rome.

I was thinking; had God not allowed Paul to be imprisoned, Paul would not have had the time to write to the churches and the people he told about Jesus. God would not have had hours upon hours to speak to Paul and teach him. And it follows we, modern saints of the body of Jesus, would not have the results of Paul’s quantity time with God.

So, as we go about our days and become “imprisoned” at the doctor’s office, in traffic, with a sick child at home, in line at the DMV or anywhere else where all we can do is wait– spend some time with God. Get an audio Bible or one of paper and print and carry it with you in the car glove compartment, your bag or your pocket– go online ( is great for this) and print out a chapter or book.

Don’t treat your Bible or the Word of God as a holy relic that can only be touched when you yourself feel holy– treat it just as you treat all other elements essential to life– you have to have them no matter what; you schedule your days around them, you fit them in whenever you can so that you can live. The Word of God is no different, to LIVE, to have LIFE you must have It!

Pondering LIFE!

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