Sunday, March 16, 2008

Pure and Perfect Pleasure

I was watching a cooking competition on T.V. today with my children. It was a cake contest; Dr. Seuss cakes. One of the contestants had chosen Horton Hears A Who as his theme. At one point, the contestant spun some colored sugar and made it into a pink, fluffy ball and placed it on the end of "stem". It was the flower that the Who's lived in. The contestants emotions, over the successful creation of that little flower, moved him to the point of almost crying. It was not a sappy or unmanly almost-cry. It was tears of complete joy in the ability to envision and then successfully create. Before, there was an empty stem, nothing sat atop it. After, a small, pink, fluffy, flower existed. It was perfect!

It struck me, as I was watching this artist, this sculpture, who started with blocks of regular old cake and ended with a work of art, that just as he had created for the pure joy of the process and the end product, so too, the Creator, the Sculpture, created the earth and everything in it for His pleasure.

If one man can be moved to tears of joy at the creation of a sugar flower that came out perfect, what does God feel, what did Jesus experience, how long did the Spirit rejoice at the creation of Earth, Eden, and the man and woman therein? God created us for His pleasure. He created mankind through his son, Jesus, and He offers men and women, young and old, poor and rich, His Spirit, to fill us and sustain us till the day that we once again can walk and talk with Him and see His creation from His point of view.

If we think that God is not near, if we doubt that we matter, if we doubt that He finds joy in us, if we reject that He has left us messages everywhere we go of His love for us, recall the feelings you had the last time you successfully created something for your pleasure; a meal, a cake, a fabulously green yard, the perfect play or move in a game, a craft project, a home project. Recall the joy, the pleasure you experienced in the process and the end product. Your pleasure is a faint echo of God's. If you multiply the joy you experienced by the size of God, you'll have an approximation of the pleasure God had when He created you!

Pondering His pleasure,
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