Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Bible is God's Testimony About Himself

For many (many) years, especially as a child, I had great difficulty reading the Old Testament of the Bible. What I saw was a collection of stories (they are stories in the sense of a recording of events-- as a child if you said you were going to read me a story, I immediately categorized it as fiction-- not true) about people who did confusing, strange, some good and many bad things. Between this thought and the fiction underpinning I had, I could not figure how the OT was so important and what I was supposed to be learning. David and Goliath was interesting, a good underdog "story," but that was about it, especially, if you kept reading and came upon David's other stories. In my young mind, David was not a role model, why was there so much about him?

At 40, I finally have come to understand, well enough to actually put into words, that the Bible is God's testimony about Himself. It is through the events recorded and the people and things integral to those events that we learn who God is.

God could have told us that He sees, He is our God Yahweh, the God Who Sees, but like a good documentary, He showed us that He is the God Who Sees when He records for us His interactions with Hagar (Genesis 16).

He could have told us that He is our God Yahweh, the God Who Heals, yet He has shown us through the myriad accounts of physical and spiritual healing throughout His testimony.

He could have told us that He is our God Yahweh, the God Who Is Salvation, The One Who Saves, yet, instead, He sent His son, Yehoshua, Jesus. Yahweh manifested Himself in human form, became human, and is the salvation for every created thing.

The next time you are reading scripture, literally, the testimony of Yahweh, don't look at the people in it too closely, don't try to learn who they are, remember it is His testimony about Himself, focus on Him, learn about Him.

Remembering WHO it's about,
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