Friday, October 31, 2008

True Religion

Wear your religion on your sleeve, er, chest.

From Isaiah 1, Jeremiah 22, Psalm 82 and James 1. Go here to purchase.

Buyin' a shirt soon,
(FYI: I created these and am giving myself free publicity here.)
Please include the following statement on any distributed or linked copy: By Kaet Johnson. © Website:

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fighting For Life: A Call for Voices of Experience

"The key to the ending of abortion is the voice of the post-abortive woman."

The following quotes are taken from a Nancy Leigh DeMoss radio program. Click on the picture to view the whole transcript.

To those who are post-abortive, please read this and consider if you are called to share your experience.

Nancy: "It seems that if we’re going to have any real serious advances in this whole movement of choosing life, we’ve also got to deal with the way of thinking about sex and purity. That’s where the floodgates are, in the worldly view of sexuality. Promiscuity is what is putting so many women in the position of having to make that kind of choice."

Jason: "I think we’re making progress there, too. All the studies show a polarization among young people. We’re seeing more and more young people choosing chastity, but we’re also seeing more and more young people living more reckless and dangerous lives.

In the 1970s and 1980s, there was a general culture of—I hate to use this word—a “tepid” promiscuity. They were promiscuous. But now we see young people who are very, very, very promiscuous.

But then, there are more and more young people who are choosing chastity.

You asked if we’re going to win. And I think, yes, because the culture of death—the seeds of its own destruction are in it. Pornography is devastating our young people. But the fruit of this devastation is that these young people are then inoculating, I think, the kids that are going to come up behind them.

Why are more people today that are pro-life? Why are 72% of those under 30 pro-life? Planned Parenthood cannot lie to them. Young people have become ever more sophisticated with their messaging. The abortion industry is spending millions and millions of dollars trying to shape their opinion, but they can’t. And why not?

Because so many of them have direct experience with abortion, whether it was their own abortion or an abortion a friend had. You cannot lie to somebody after they’ve been directly involved in abortion.

The abortion industry is good at silencing them. But we are going to end abortion. And it’s going to happen so fast. I think we’re approaching the tipping point. The key to the ending of abortion is the voice of the post-abortive woman, because the culture of death is supported by this worldview of relativism.

But moral relativism only accepts personal experience as truth. So they hear the women who’ve had abortions. The dictatorship of moral relativism—within its own self, it cannot silence the subjective opinion of women who have had abortions. That’s why I [also] think the testimony of men who’ve had abortions is so strong."

Moral relativism only accepts personal experience as truth-- please, share your truth. Help save the lives of unborn babies and the futures of their parents.

If you are willing to share, please contact me. You will remain anonomous-- let's talk about how your story can be used to shape the world.

In awe of your strength,
Please include the following statement on any distributed or linked copy: By Kaet Johnson. © Website:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Come to the Celebration! Christmas Cards

Come to the Celebration!

Send a simple card with a beautiful Christmas message from Jesus to your loved ones. The message is taken directly from Christian scripture. Copyright Kaet Johnson.

The cards come in 3 sizes and in quantities of 8, 10 or 20 per package.

To purchase, go to

Creation requests the honor of your presence at the birthday celebration of the Son of God, also known by humanity as
The King, Immanuel, Eashoa Mesheekhah, Jesus the Christ, Savior,
The Messiah.
Jesus requests you love and honor him at this celebration and always.
“My beloved, please;
feed the hungry,
heal the sick,
clothe the poor,
care for those the world does not, the orphan and the widow.
Love my Father with all your heart.
Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Do not forget to tell everyone about Me!”

R. S. V. P. as soon as possible by saying,
”Yes, yes, yes.”

Merry Christmas from us to you the year through!

Please include the following statement on any distributed or linked copy: By Kaet Johnson. © Website:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

It is the Time of Year for Gifts!

From my friend Pam--

1 Corinthians 12:4-7 (NASB)

"Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons. But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good."

Have you ever been perplexed as to exactly what a spiritual gift is or what your spiritual gift or gifts might be? If so, I want to invite you to join me at a workshop that Immanuel Church of Gurnee, IL, is hosting in conjunction with Precept Ministries International on Friday, November 7 from 9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m. The workshop is called Finding Your Place of Service in the Church. Using basic inductive Bible study methods, it will focus on the foundational elements of spiritual gifts as taught in the Scriptures.

I'm really jazzed about this workshop for a few reasons. First, God started working in my life in some incredible ways when I finally started understanding what gifts I have that I should be using, as well as which gifts I don't have that I should be letting other people use! There is a huge freedom in being able to be who God made you to be and to be able to relax in that. I no longer feel compelled to be what I never was intended to be. Know what I mean?!

I'm also stoked because this is a FREE workshop--costs you nothing at all but your time! If you're interested in joining us, you can send me an e-mail or call Precept direct at 888-678-5660.

Hope to hear back from you as to where you are reading in the Word today AND that you'll be joining us at the Finding Your Place of Service in the Church workshop!

In His Grip,

I have taken the Precept Upon Precept class on spiritual gifts-- it is amazing. I encourage you to explore what God made you to do!

Please include the following statement on any distributed or linked copy: By Kaet Johnson. © Website:

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Letter to Shiloh's Mom

Dear Shiloh's Mother ,

I watched you and your family on TV last night. At one point you brought tears to my eyes: you were worried that you had been selfish by giving Shiloh the chance to live when the medical community told you that it would be best to terminate Shiloh's little life before she was born. You were again given that choice when, at 6 or years old, Shiloh's one kidney failed and the doctors said you could either give her dialysis-- or not. They implied that not giving her the treatment would be fine, even though they new it would lead to her death.

You were right when you said that the doctors had determined that Shiloh should not be given the chance to live because she could not live a "normal" life. You were right to be horrified. And, you were right to allow her the chance.

I understand your comment, your worry that you had been entirely selfish, that it was your choice to bring Shiloh into this world and by doing that you subjected her to pain and some very hard physical and emotional situations. And, that each time you chose to provide her with life saving procedures and treatment, you were again being selfish. I understand that you think your love for her has made you selfish, too selfish, so selfish that you would ask Shiloh to undergo her hard, hard life, just because you can't bear to loose her.

I understand this because during one of the many trips to the E.R. when my daughter was very young and her life was in danger due to a medical condition, one that without treatment, would have caused her death, I prayed to God. I was completely overcome with how selfish I was being. I wanted my child to live, I loved her so much, I could not bear to loose her and yet I was, once again, watching her struggle to breath, to live. I was watching her become so exhausted that her body might just run out of energy and her muscles that allowed her to breath might just stop. I asked God to let her live, I asked God to take her if it was too much for her, she was suffering, I told Him that I was mortified at my selfishness, but I could not let her die, not if it was my decision. He let her live.

I understand.

You have done exactly what God has asked you to do: you have loved her more than anyone else, you have fought for her, you have been jealous for her life and you have allowed God to do his job-- grant life and take it away. He, right now, wants Shiloh alive on this earth-- she's ALIVE!

Keep doing your job, be jealous for her life, fight for her. She is a special girl, one touched by God, and she touches others in a profound way. God does not grant life so it can be normal, God grants life because He loves, because all life is worthwhile, and sometimes He grants struggles and the life that overcomes them can teach others about how important life is.

May Yahweh bless and keep you all, always, and may you know His peace,

Please include the following statement on any distributed or linked copy: By Kaet Johnson. © Website:

Who Grants Life?

For years we have been hearing about the health-care crisis in the United States, and during every election cycle we visit the idea of a federally funded and/or regulated program that would, ideally, provide health insurance coverage or health-care to every member of our society. On the surface, this seems like a wonderful idea. We are told that a federal or national system of health-care would provide for every member of our society, no matter their financial or social status, to have access to doctors, hospitals, and long-term care facilities. The idea is that everyone will be afforded excellent medical care, and everyone will receive medical services. The implication is that it will not cost us for these services.

A national system of health-care, once you get into the nitty-gritty of how such a system must be administered, is actually a system that will deny health and life to the weakest and most oppressed individuals in our society and will not provide a way for ordinary citizens (it would, in all likely-hood, block any such attempt) to step-in and offer care and mercy like we see happen every day in our present "system." The administration and actual function of such a system precludes that we will receive poorer care, have to wait for care, or receive no care at all. It will not be you and your family determining your care. It will be your government who will do that.

The funding of such a system is never talked about, but, by definition, it must be funded by those of us who pay taxes and it cannot be supported by the present tax rate structure.

Yesterday, I heard a commentary that addresses a portion of this issue. Many European countries utilize some form of a government funded, socialistic health-care system. The following commentary takes a look at what is going on in a neighbor across "the pond."
A Demented Idea
By Chuck Colson

Human Dignity on the Sceptred Isle

The Brits may be losing their marbles. The distinguished Baroness Warnock, labeled by the Daily Telegraph as Britain’s leading moral philosopher, ought to be ashamed of herself.

You see, Lady Warnock once chaired a government committee that helped legalize embryonic research. She’s known for supporting assisted suicide for people don’t want to burden their caregivers.

But now Lady Warnock has gone a step further. She says elderly people who suffer from dementia are “wasting people’s lives”—that is, the lives of those who care for them—and ought to choose to die even if they’re not suffering.

And even if they aren’t a burden on their families, they ought to “off” themselves anyway, as she puts it, because they’re a burden on the public, which, under British national health care, pays for their treatment. According to the Daily Telegraph, Warnock hopes people will soon be “licensed to put others down.”

Putting others down? That’s the kind of euphemism we use when talking about injured horses or sick dogs. It’s not how we talk about human beings—or at least, it’s not how we used to talk about them.

At age 84, Lady Warnock is old enough to remember Hitler’s Final Solution—and the thinking that drove the slaughter, not only of the Jews, but also of the handicapped, gypsies, and others the Nazis considered “defective” or “useless.”

But even though Lady Warnock should remember World War II, she evidently has forgotten its terrible lessons. Given her despicable recommendation for the elderly, she ought to hope that her memory issues aren’t related to dementia.

Thankfully, at least a few Brits are outraged by Warnock’s comments, calling them—in typical British understatement—both callous and deeply ignorant. Neil Hunt, a spokesman for the British Alzheimer’s Society, says to suggest that people with dementia “have some sort of duty to kill themselves is nothing short of barbaric.”

More ominously, a spokesman for a British right to life group said Warnock’s views “are an illustration that while euthanasia is promoted as a right to choose, it pretty rapidly becomes” an obligation to die.

This tale out of England is also a dire warning about what happens when countries nationalize health care. There’s never enough money to go around—and some bureaucrat at the top is always going to start making choices about who gets to live and who’s going to die. If those targeted for death don’t go willingly, well, they will need to be encouraged to die—or they might get a visit from someone “licensed to put others down.”

Has the Western world truly sunk this low? Do we ever need a more vivid reminder of the tremendous importance of worldview?

Either all human life—from unborn children to demented mothers and fathers—is created in the image of God and therefore infinitely precious, or humans are nothing but the result of mere chance, indistinguishable morally from a sand flea. The choice society makes will determine whether the most vulnerable among us will be respected and protected . . . or whether we will “put them down” when they become a burden.

We Christians must speak out as others—especially those in authority—move us closer and closer to compulsory killing.

If we do nothing, it’s evidence that perhaps we’ve all lost our marbles.

I am hoping we come to our senses, look at our socialistic neighbors on this continent and abroad, and really examine what it means when government becomes the benefactor of its citizens instead of the other way around.

Did we not leave the monarchies so that we could govern ourselves? Are not the immigrants of today choosing the United States because the United States allows choice and opportunity? Is it not the sole role of Yahweh to grant life and to take it away?

Taking a stand and remembering He who is my HOPE,


Please include the following statement on any distributed or linked copy: By Kaet Johnson. © Website:

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Case for Capitalism

A guest commentary by Julie Roys

They blame the economic crisis on “irresponsible greed,” “poor political management,” and the “lack of regulatory policies.” They sound eerily like our presidential and vice-presidential candidates. But, they’re actually members of Socialist International – a group that says the world is not merely experiencing an era of change, but the change of an entire era.

Truly, the world seems to be moving toward socialism and away from capitalism. And, the United States – for decades the global model of capitalism – is following right along. This week, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson coerced nine major banks to sell some of their shares to the federal government. Add to this the billion-dollar bailouts of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Bear Stearns, and AIG, and the United States is beginning to resemble a socialist republic. Meanwhile, the U.S. presidential frontrunner this week told an already over-taxed plumber in Ohio, he’ll raise his taxes to (quote) “distribute the wealth.”

For those of us who have studied history, these developments are chilling. Every time socialism has advanced, personal liberty has declined. But, it’s hard to defend capitalism when it’s allegedly caused so much grief to so many people. And as Christians, how can we support a system that’s spawned so much greed?

But is capitalism really to blame for the current economic crisis? French President Nicolas Sarkozy doesn’t think so. He said, “The financial crisis is not the crisis of capitalism. It is a crisis of a system that has distanced itself from the most fundamental values of capitalism.”

Capitalism results when private persons own the means of production and the government has very limited power. But, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – the two companies that caused the sub-prime mortgage crisis – are government-sponsored enterprises. They are by their very nature socialistic, not capitalistic. Fannie and Freddie made irresponsible loans largely because the government was backing those loans, eliminating all risk.

But even if capitalism is not the culprit for the financial meltdown, that doesn’t make it ethical. After all, capitalism relies on greed and self-interest. Socialism, on the other hand, relies on people acting according to the common good. Socialism sounds Christian. And in fact, it was the politic of the early church, which “had everything in common and gave to anyone as he had need.”

But in secular society, socialism simply doesn’t work. Unregenerate man is a slave to sin. He will not work unless he has incentive. And collectively, he will not govern benevolently because he is not benevolent. Trusting government to take and redistribute everyone’s money equitably betrays a woeful misunderstanding of man’s basic nature.

People in a capitalistic system are free to pursue their own interests, but they’re also free to give and to care for the needy. Certainly, this license can and has been abused, and the government needs to provide some checks and balances. But our founding fathers believed God endowed each person with three basic rights that our growing government now threatens – the right to life, liberty, and property. Roe v. Wade removed the right to life. Now, this administration and the next may threaten our right to property. Is it any stretch to think that our liberty may be targeted next? For Moody Radio, I’m Julie Roys.

Please include the following statement on any distributed or linked copy: By Kaet Johnson. © Website:

Monday, October 13, 2008

In the Interest of Education : Politics and Healthcare

I've found the ads on health care and insurance by Obama to be disturbing if they are true, so, I went looking for what each candidate had to say on their websites.

In the interest of transparency, I'll tell you that I think I am more qualified to make decisions on where to spend my money than the government is, therefore, one of the lenses I look through is, "Who is allocating and spending my money, me or someone else?" Personally, I think it is a question we all should ask. Lots of proposed government programs sound really good, until I realize that each requires funding to be successful. Then I start personalizing. How is this going to effect me and each individual citizen? Does the benefit offset the cost? Given the cost, is there another way to accomplish something similar, or even, something better? Can the government successfully implement and run such a program?

On that note, here are the candidate's links for their ideas about health care:

Reading and thinking,

Please include the following statement on any distributed or linked copy: By Kaet Johnson. © Website:

In the Interest of Education : My Take On the Fairness Doctrine

Please visit the following links; the course of debate here mainly centers on free speech as it pertains to political right versus left. Get outside of their box and think about how this might effect religion and broadcasts which contain religious content, opinion, doctrine or direct quotes from religious texts.

What about blogs?

Studying and thinking,

Please include the following statement on any distributed or linked copy: By Kaet Johnson. © Website:

Friday, October 03, 2008

Are Christians Rational?

I heard a fabulous commentary on Prime Time America yesterday by Rosalie de Rosset. Rosie chose a piece by Mollie Zeigler Hemingway that appeared in the Wall Street Journal on October 19th entitled, "Look Who's Irrational Now."

Both Ms. Hemingway and de Rosset sufficiently explain themselves and their topic, so I won't elaborate here, but I encourage you to click on the links in this post and read/listen to some smart, literate and rational women. And, as Ms. de Rosset eludes to at the end of her commentary, we followers of Yeshua, Son of God, need to wear our thinking caps more often and be ready to speak rationally and logically on the subject of our faith and our beliefs.

Up with rational thought!

Please include the following statement on any distributed or linked copy: By Kaet Johnson. © Website: