So, I thought I’d weigh in on the topic of resolutions for this new year; it seems to be the thing to do.
First, let me tell you that I am not much for resolutions. I have sat and written out New Year’s Resolutions once– I was at a bar with a good friend and we were happy!!! Don’t be shocked, this was college and during college I tested the whole “Christian Liberty” theory. I am much older and much more mature, both spiritually and other wise, and I don’t recommend giving Jesus a run on that one. You end up with a hangover, back then and now.
Anyway, back to resolutions; did it once, it was fun. They weren’t resolutions that were very hard to keep at the time: ski more, study less, stuff like that (I really am an over-achiever, honest).
I like the idea behind resolutions; changing something that needs to be changed, bettering yourself– the Romans used to ask forgiveness and mercy from their enemies. I just don’t like the whole, “Everyone is doing it, you have to do it,” shallow take on it. And even if we choose something substantial and good and true to resolve to do, usually we don’t have the knowledge or skills or support to accomplish it– nothing like starting your year out on the wrong foot!
Recently, I heard some very good advice and it goes like this:
Make resolutions, only make a few, three at the most– start with one.
Grab a concordance, go to or, and look up scripture that relates to your resolution; what you want to change, do different, learn. From the mass of applicable scripture you find, choose only a few verses or sections, the ones that grabbed you– three at the most, and memorize them. Start with one. When God’s Word is in your head and your heart, His Spirit will use it to create that new you. This step is really key, this is where we start arming ourselves with the tools to be successful.
Once you’ve got your scripture identify your obstacles. What is in the way of you reaching your goal? What is it about you, your schedule, your habits, your thoughts that have prevented you from meeting this goal previously or that have created the thing in you, about you, you do not like? Once you know what your obstacles are, be aware and ask God for help.
Ah, now the really hard part– be accountable! Find someone who you trust, who will support you and hold you accountable. Tell them what you are doing and ask them for their help and their prayers.
Finally, schedule measure points through the year. Pick a date, every three months or so, to evaluate where you are. Do you need more time and scripture and support or have you reached your goal? If you have reached your goal, start with resolution number two!
It is also a worthwhile endeavor to journal through this process, at least at your beginning point, your scripture search and obstacle identification, and at each way point along the way. When you look back over what you have written you will see the hand of God gently and mercifully leading you to your goal. You’ll know He did it, not you.
A little celebration, thanksgiving and praise are in order at each way point and when victory is realized.
To summarize:
1. Make a short list
2. Find scripture to memorize to help you grow and change
3. Identify obstacles
4. Be accountable
5. Measure your progress
6. Celebrate
And remember– this is important– it is Him who does the work in you. He just requires that you are willing and available– ability is not required (what a relief)!
Thanks to Joe Stowell and Brian Henry for their seeds of thought that germinated into this post.
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To the New You!
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