Monday, January 15, 2007

A Prayer For You

I pray that you find what you need, so that you know.

I pray you know God created you.

I pray you know God knew you before He knit you together in your mothers womb.

I pray you know God counts the number of hairs on your head.

I pray you know God knows EVERYTHING about you and He loves you in spite of and because of His knowledge of you.

I pray you know God wants you to know Him.

I pray you know God sent His Son to this earth to buy you back from death, to take you off the dead-end road you are on.

I pray you know Jesus was obedient and He payed the price for you.

I pray you know God gave you to Jesus.

I pray you know Jesus has given you a gift; the right to become His brother or sister.

I pray you know you must ACCEPT His gift of adoption into His family.

I pray you accept His gift.

I pray, once in God’s family, you grow up in the grace offered to you there and you become EXACTLY like your brother Jesus.

I pray God does exactly to you as is needed to conform you to your brother’s likeness.

I pray– take hold, know, do.

In supplication to my Father on your behalf,


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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Currently Seeking God

But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.

Deuteronomy 4: 29

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD.

Jeremiah 29: 13, 14a

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Matthew 7: 7

For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

Matthew 7: 8

So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Luke 11: 9

For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

Luke 11: 10

Seeking with all my heart,


All verses from the NIV translation of the Bible at

Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society


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Monday, January 08, 2007

Do You Read?

Your Bible that is.

No? Why?

Do you think you need to:

  • Read the Bible from front to back?
  • Understand everything you read right away?
  • Spend quality, alone-time reading?
  • Stick to a strict schedule?

Finally, what your are thoughts about it, do you think you can’t do it?

These are barriers, and not insurmountable ones. A friend of mine offers some truth to overcome them. Take note:

Barrier 1: “I have to read the Bible from front to back.”
THE TRUTH IS most people with this mentality fall off the Bible-reading wagon by the time they hit Leviticus. Focus on reading book by book, but don’t worry about going straight through from front cover to back cover. Check off books in the Table of Contents as you go along. This way you can avoid reading Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy all in a row. You can also avoid having to read Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, and Ezekiel back to back to back to back. Bad books? No way! But a bit tough to read in rapid succession.

Barrier 2: “I have to understand everything I read right way.”
THE TRUTH IS you will never understand everything in the Word of God. We as humans can never plumb its depths. Frustrating? Sometimes, but even more awesome to know that God will always have more there for us to discover. In reading through, don’t bog down in issues you don’t understand. Mark down your questions and keep reading. Chances are you’ll understand more the more you read. Also, join a Bible study where you can learn to study in-depth the questions that arise as you’re reading broadly.

Barrier 3: “I have to spend quality, alone-time reading and I just don’t have it.”
THE TRUTH IS there is never a perfect time to read . . . especially if you work full-time and/or have small children. While solitude is important, learn to bring your Bible with you during the day to make the most of even short reading opportunities. Opt for quantity throughout the day, not just quality. Think about how your important relationships in life would look if you only invested 5 quality minutes a day in them . . . they wouldn’t be looking good.

Barrier 4: “I have to stick to a strict schedule if I’m going to make it.
THE TRUTH IS schedule keeping drives many people out of relationship mode and into academic or performance mode. If you’re a schedule keeper by nature, by all means find one and use it. For the rest of us, make a point to read everyday, but don’t set a reading “quota.” Begin thinking of your reading as a “Get to do” instead of a “Got to do.”

Barrier 5: “I-can’t-do-it thinking.”
THE TRUTH IS on your own, you can’t, but by God’s grace you can. If you’ve failed in a read-through attempt before, you’re in good company. Not having made it doesn’t mean you can’t make it, it just means you haven’t yet made it. Ask God for the desire to read [emphasis added], and find a friend to join you and keep you accountable on your journey.

New Years Resolution: “I’m going to read through the Bible this year…”

Thanks to my good friend Pam Gillaspie, author of Ablaze: Igniting Spiritual Passion for Life through Reading God’s Word for this advice! Ablaze is endorsed by Kay Arthur, Jan Silvious, Becky Pippert, and Liz Curtis Higgs. You can download ‘Five Common Barriers to Bible Reading and the Truths to Overcome Them’ at”

New Year : New You described 6 steps to successfully attain your New Year’s goals, consider making one of your goals reading your Bible regularly. If that seems an insurmountable task, get Pam’s book and let her encourage you and assist you.

The Word of God is the Balm of Gilead for the broken and diseased heart– let God begin His healing work in you.

To the New You!


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Please include the following statement on any distributed copy: By Kaet Johnson. © Website:

Friday, January 05, 2007

New Year : New You

So, I thought I’d weigh in on the topic of resolutions for this new year; it seems to be the thing to do.

First, let me tell you that I am not much for resolutions. I have sat and written out New Year’s Resolutions once– I was at a bar with a good friend and we were happy!!! Don’t be shocked, this was college and during college I tested the whole “Christian Liberty” theory. I am much older and much more mature, both spiritually and other wise, and I don’t recommend giving Jesus a run on that one. You end up with a hangover, back then and now.

Anyway, back to resolutions; did it once, it was fun. They weren’t resolutions that were very hard to keep at the time: ski more, study less, stuff like that (I really am an over-achiever, honest).

I like the idea behind resolutions; changing something that needs to be changed, bettering yourself– the Romans used to ask forgiveness and mercy from their enemies. I just don’t like the whole, “Everyone is doing it, you have to do it,” shallow take on it. And even if we choose something substantial and good and true to resolve to do, usually we don’t have the knowledge or skills or support to accomplish it– nothing like starting your year out on the wrong foot!

Recently, I heard some very good advice and it goes like this:

Make resolutions, only make a few, three at the most– start with one.

Grab a concordance, go to or, and look up scripture that relates to your resolution; what you want to change, do different, learn. From the mass of applicable scripture you find, choose only a few verses or sections, the ones that grabbed you– three at the most, and memorize them. Start with one. When God’s Word is in your head and your heart, His Spirit will use it to create that new you. This step is really key, this is where we start arming ourselves with the tools to be successful.

Once you’ve got your scripture identify your obstacles. What is in the way of you reaching your goal? What is it about you, your schedule, your habits, your thoughts that have prevented you from meeting this goal previously or that have created the thing in you, about you, you do not like? Once you know what your obstacles are, be aware and ask God for help.

Ah, now the really hard part– be accountable! Find someone who you trust, who will support you and hold you accountable. Tell them what you are doing and ask them for their help and their prayers.

Finally, schedule measure points through the year. Pick a date, every three months or so, to evaluate where you are. Do you need more time and scripture and support or have you reached your goal? If you have reached your goal, start with resolution number two!

It is also a worthwhile endeavor to journal through this process, at least at your beginning point, your scripture search and obstacle identification, and at each way point along the way. When you look back over what you have written you will see the hand of God gently and mercifully leading you to your goal. You’ll know He did it, not you.

A little celebration, thanksgiving and praise are in order at each way point and when victory is realized.

To summarize:
1. Make a short list
2. Find scripture to memorize to help you grow and change
3. Identify obstacles
4. Be accountable
5. Measure your progress
6. Celebrate

And remember– this is important– it is Him who does the work in you. He just requires that you are willing and available– ability is not required (what a relief)!

Thanks to Joe Stowell and Brian Henry for their seeds of thought that germinated into this post.

Visit these links to learn more:

To the New You!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Prayers For Peace--

God’s peace.

Heavenly Father, just as Your Word says, I pray perfect peace for myself. There is no process that I know of that is more important to my having peace than to pray Your words. It is Your words that I pray in Jesus’ name, and I thank You for hearing and answering these my prayers. Amen.
God in accordance with your word…

I pray, God, that You will keep me in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because I trust in You. (Isaiah 26:3)

I pray that your kindness, God, shall not depart from me, nor shall Your covenant of peace be removed from me. (Isaiah 54:10)

I pray that I will lie down in peace, and sleep; for You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. (Psalm 4:8)

I pray, O LORD, that You will give strength to me and that You will bless me with peace. (Psalm 29:11)

I pray that You, Jesus, have left Your peace with me. I pray that my heart will not be troubled, neither will I be afraid. (John 14:27)

I pray that I, who have been justified by faith, will have peace with You, God, through my Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:1)

I pray that Jesus Himself is my peace. (Ephesian 2:14)

I pray that I will be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, will let my requests be made known to You, God; and Your peace, which surpasses all understanding, will guard my heart and mind through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

I pray, God, that Your peace will rule in my heart. (Colossians 3:15)

So be it!


(c) 1993, 2002. Praying God’s Will for My Life, Lee Roberts, Oliver Nelson Books, Nashville, Tennessee

Bible verses from the New King James Version (c) 1979, 1980, 1982

Both can be purchased at

