I can't take credit for this one, it arrived in my inbox-- it made me consider the value of the time I might waste. It caused me to ask, "Am I paying attention?"
By definition, faith in Yeshua is an active faith, it is a doing faith. What am I doing? Am I paying attention to how I spend my time? Am I placing the appropriate value on me, on others, on my time? Am I
doing anything of
To realize
The value of a sister/brother
Ask someone
Who doesn't have one.
To realize
The value of ten years:
Ask a newly
Divorced couple.
To realize
The value of four years:
Ask a graduate.
To realize
The value of one year:
Ask a student who
Has failed a final exam.
To realize
The value of one month:
Ask a mother
Who has given birth to a premature baby.
To realize
The value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize
The value of one minute:
Ask a person
Who has missed the train, bus or plane.
To realize
The value of one-second:
Ask a person
Who has survived an accident.
What I do with my time
is very important. Through YHWH, I can accomplish much... if I'm aware.
k8t k8t(at)faceofagirl(dot)com ----
Please include the following statement on any distributed or linked copy: By Kaet Johnson. © http://www.faceofagirl.com. Website: faceofagirl.com, http://www.facebook.com/faceofagirl, http://twitter.com/keight8