Friday, April 04, 2008

Where Few Go and Even Fewer Make It Out Alive

I've spent the last three days substitute teaching. I'm worn out-- physically and emotionally. The kids were good for the most part-- I really enjoy them, though, I was, at times, taken aback with the hostility some of the children exhibit. Their anger was seemingly directed at me, at school, but in reality, their anger was directed at the world at large and everyone in it.

What has happened in these children's lives that has caused them to be so angry? How do you grow into a contributing adult with such deep seated anger? How do you ever see God, anywhere?

I am troubled by what I see in some of the children I meet. They have lots of trouble at school, but their problems don't stem from school. For the most part, their problems stem from somewhere else-- these troubled kids are either neglected, abused or over indulged; many are neglected by overindulgence-- a new form of emotional and physical abuse.

Children need the basics in life: food, shelter, clothing. They also need boundaries, consequences and love; the kind of love that says you are accepted no matter because you are mine, the kind of love that is committed to promises made, the kind of love that says the family is so important that mom and dad are going to nurture their love for each other so that the children benefit from two parents in the same home, the kind of love that says there are times you are going to be unhappy today because I am looking ahead to what is best for you and your tomorrows, the kind of love that models service and learning. This kind of love realizes children should not be indulged with every material thing they ask for or with every social activity or sport they want to be a part of. This kind of love does not allow the parent to live, to glean importance for themselves, through the child's accomplishments and activities.

Children are indeed our future, they should be our focus, but our focal point should be the future, not the present. Children need to be taught how to handle the tough things in life. They need to be empowered, given the opportunity to learn the skills that will enable them to succeed-- to finish what they start, to strive for excellence in all they do. Children need to be a part of their parents lives and contributors to their families. Children need time to work, time to play, and time to rest (from work and play). Children need to be valued for who they are, not what they can do for us.

God created "family" to show case Himself, to teach us about Father, Spirit and Son, to grow us into His likeness, the likeness of His Son, to propagate this knowledge to every nation and language under the sun. Family does not exist to build the ego of the parent-- to show-case the parents. Family does not exist to get; not for the parent, not for the child. Family exists to give.

Traveling dangerous territory,

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